Ingrid Spletter-Weiß joins the Managing Board of NORD/LB

The Supervisory Board and the Owners' Meeting of NORD/LB Norddeutsche Landesbank today appointed Ingrid Spletter-Weiß as a new member of the Bank's Managing Board. Ingrid Spletter-Weiß (55) comes from Commerzbank AG and will assume responsibility for the Bank's corporate customers and capital markets business on 1 January 2022. She succeeds Günter Tallner (59), who is leaving the Bank at his own request when his contract expires at the end of the year.

Ingrid Spletter-Weiß has been responsible for global credit risk management for corporate customers at Commerzbank since 2017. Previously, she held various management positions in the Bank's front and back office divisions. A graduate in banking, she has worked for Commerzbank and its predecessor Dresdner Bank since 1991. Born in Wolfenbüttel, she completed her training and gained her first professional experience in Braunschweig.

"Ingrid Spletter-Weiß is an excellent bank manager," said Reinhold Hilbers, Lower Saxony's Finance Minister and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of NORD/LB. "She has learned the banking business from scratch and has a wide range of experience in corporate and project finance. With her know-how, she is a strong asset for NORD/LB and its customers. I am very pleased that we now once again have a woman on the Managing Board of the bank. With her roots in Lower Saxony, she is a very good fit for NORD/LB.“


Portrait Ingrid Spletter-Weiß (Source Commerzbank AG) (JPG)

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NORD/LB Norddeutsche Landesbank is one of the leading German commercial banks with total assets of EUR 120 billion. The core business segments include business with corporate customers, private and commercial customers including private banking as well as special finance in the energy and infrastructure sector, aircraft finance and commercial real estate finance. The bank is headquartered in Hanover, Brunswick and Magdeburg and has branches in Bremen, Oldenburg, Hamburg, Schwerin, Düsseldorf, Munich and Stuttgart. Outside Germany NORD/LB is represented by a Pfandbrief Bank (NORD/LB Covered Bond Bank) in Luxembourg and branches in London, New York, Singapore and Shanghai.

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