NORD/LB Terms of Business

Basic principles of the business relationship between customer and bank

The General Terms of Business (ToBs) and the Specific Terms of Business pursuant to clause 1 (2) of the ToBs of NORD/LB apply to the business relationship between the customer and NORD/LB including its institution with partial legal capacities "Braunschweigische Landessparkasse" (BLSK). Pursuant to ยง13 NORD/LB State Treaty, rights and obligations established in the name of BLSK are equally such of NORD/LB. Any declarations received or made by BLSK may be enforced by or are binding on NORD/LB.



General terms and conditions

NORD/LB General Business Conditions

Version 27 April 2021. Please note: The English version serves information purposes only. The German version alone is legally binding.

NORD/LB General terms and conditions for the dispatch of electronic invoices

Version Juni 2021