[Translate to Englisch:] Firmenkunden Health Care

Industry expertise – extensive and from a single source

Success means planning for the future to safeguard your ability to operate in the long term. We are well-versed in the many challenges of the health care sector. We act as a finance partner for health care companies with an middle three-digit million EUR turnover volume and above and for professional investors and operators of care homes irrespective of turnover.

We are especially active in the field of Health Care and Health Care Real Estate. Our solutions seek to identify and implement measurable and long-term benefits for our customers in the areas of finance, liquidity management, cost controlling and working capital management. We use tailor-made products such as cash management, innovative opportunities for receivables purchasing in the health care sector and long-term financing solutions and underwriting with the involvement of the capital market.

Our focal areas in the field of Health Care Real Estate are corporate-typical, cashflow-based financing structures. As a professional operator and investor, our experts support you from the early investment stage through site analyses and discussions about remuneration agreements through to long-term financing of your care homes.

Our customer spectrum

Health Care

  • Operation of medical facilities (clinics and hospitals)
  • Development and production of medical equipment and products
  • Research, development and production of pharmaceuticals
  • Supplying medical institutions with pharmaceuticals (pharmaceutical trade)

Health Care Real Estate

  • Care homes

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