[Translate to Englisch:] Firmenkunden Leasing und Factoring

The Bank with a fast track for your refinancing operations

Hanseatic and down to earth, yet at the same time modern and innovative - for us, these features do not constitute a contradiction but are rather a question of professionalism. We provide you with a high level of specialist expertise within the framework of a partnership characterised by security and reliability. Our offering consists in providing optimal needs-based financing solutions that meet your company-specific and market-specific requirements. We look forward to a discussion with you.

A typical feature of the “Bank with a fast track” is that our refinancing decisions are made swiftly and in an unbureaucratic manner on the basis of pre-defined principles and within a framework of agreed financing guidelines.

A Long-Term Collaboration Needs a Solid Basis

Since the middle of the 1980s, NORD/LB has been one of the leading financers, in Germany, of small to medium-sized companies in the leasing industry, in particular, but also of leasing companies related to banks and manufacturers. Throughout Germany, there is only a handful of providers that have been able to do business for so long and in such a sustained manner as we have.

As a result of our many years of experience in this sector, we are able to draw on our correspondingly extensive expertise and this allows us to provide support to our customers at any time in accordance with their asset portfolio. We place a lot of emphasis on a professional and long-term dialogue with our customers. In the spirit of a partnership that is maintained even in difficult times. For this it is essential to have personal contact and clear communications that are frank and open between equal partners and are also solution-oriented and ongoing.

Important Information:

We support 100 leasing enterprises throughout Germany with the help of around 20 staff who have had many years’ experience of the leasing business.

We provide backing for new business worth approx. Euro 1 billion annually.

Factoring ensures the liquidity of a business - you can benefit from our efficiency.

Factoring, as an innovative and highly efficient financing instrument is becoming increasingly important. Not least thanks to the invaluable advantage of a significant improvement in liquidity that it can provide to a business. For us as a bank with experience in this sector and with the appropriate wide-ranging financing expertise, the refinancing of medium-sized factoring companies, in particular, as well as those that are bank-dependent is part of our core business

Our financing principles:

  • Financing via the granting of loans to factoring companies by way of revolving current account credit lines
  • The amount of financing is analogous to the factoring company
  • Financially feasible business
  • Genuine and open full service factoring
  • Domestic (German) factoring customers and predominantly domestic debtors
  • The vast majority with trade credit insurance

Our collateral structure:

  • Undisclosed general assignment of the financed receivables
  • Undisclosed assignment of all other additional collateral, in particular, insurance claimse

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