Competence Center Development Business

NORD/LB is the central institute for savings banks regarding KfW pass-through subsidies in Lower Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. It acts as an expert in all matters relating to subsidies from the EU, the federal government, the federal states and the development banks and institutes for the associated savings banks.

Its main tasks include providing advice and information on subsidies, processing and forwarding applications for subsidies from savings banks, and networking with the providers of subsidies. In this context, the interests of the savings banks are also represented vis-à-vis the funding agencies and represented in various expert committees of the savings bank associations and funding institutions. Furthermore, the IT for the transmission of development loans (FGCenter) is professionally supervised, maintained and further developed and the technical support for the user and consulting software (S-Förderberatung) is ensured. These IT applications are made available to the savings banks as part of the on-lending process for KfW development funds and are integrated into the savings banks' lending process.

As part of the KfW pass-through function, around 10,000 KfW applications or commitments, approximately 30,000 portfolio transactions are processed annually and currently more than 125,000 pass-through accounts are managed by NORD/LB.



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