Press Archive

12/15/2020 Günter Tallner to leave NORD/LB at the end of 2021

Günter Tallner, NORD/LB Managing Board member responsible for Corporate Customer Business and the Bank's Capital Markets divisions, will not be renewing his contract, which expires on 31 December 2021, at his own request. Tallner (58) has been a member of the Bank's Managing Board since February 2017 and was most recently also responsible for the Saxony-Anhalt business region. Before joining NORD/LB, he held various positions in corporate banking at Dresdner Bank and Commerzbank.

12/14/2020 Deutsche Hypo to be fully integrated into NORD/LB

NORD/LB Norddeutsche Landesbank will fully integrate its real estate financing subsidiary, Deutsche Hypothekenbank (Actien-Gesellschaft), which has been legally independent to date. The legal merger between NORD/LB and Deutsche Hypo is expected to take place on 1 July 2021, following the decision of the Owners' Meeting of the bank today. The owners have thus followed the proposal of the Managing Board of NORD/LB, which sees the integration of Deutsche Hypo as an important contribution to the realignment of NORD/LB. The "Deutsche Hypo" brand established on the market will remain.

11/26/2020 NORD/LB increases risk provisioning and continues restructuring of the bank

In the first nine months of 2020, NORD/LB achieved a consolidated profit of minus € 74 million. In the same period of the previous year, the Group's EBT amounted to € 215 million. NORD/LB again significantly in-creased its risk provisioning in the third quarter in order to be prepared for the real economic effects of the Corona pandemic.

11/24/2020 NORD/LB finances Australia’s largest solar park

NORD/LB Norddeutsche Landesbank has participated in the financing of a solar park in Australia together with six major international banks. The "Western Downs" solar park in the state of Queensland will be the largest solar park in Australia with a capacity of 460 MWp.

08/27/2020 NORD/LB with balanced half-year result

In the first half of 2020, NORD/LB achieved earnings before taxes of 6 million euros. Consolidated net income after taxes was 4 million euros. After a negative result in the first quarter, the bank returned to the profit zone in the middle of the year. Last year, the half-year result before taxes was 180 million euros.

05/27/2020 NORD/LB: Restructuring of the bank on track

In the first quarter of 2020 NORD/LB Norddeutsche Landesbank achieved a loss before taxes of 65 million euros. The consolidated loss is minus 71 million euros. The decisive factors for the negative result were the ac-counting of the bank levy for the full year 2020, fees for portfolio guarantees and valuation effects in the course of the Corona pandemic. In the first three months of the previous year, the bank had generated a pre-tax profit of EUR 65 million.

04/21/2020 NORD/LB is committed to the "Principles for Responsible Banking"

NORD/LB Norddeutsche Landesbank signed the "Principles for Responsible Banking" of the United Nations (UN) at the beginning of April 2020. NORD/LB hence underlines the enormous significance of responsible action for its business policy. It is hence committed to formulating targets for its business segments which have a significant impact on the UN's global development targets and to publishing these targets. NORD/LB considers the needs of its customers, business partners, employees and investors equally.

03/24/2020 NORD/LB: Restructuring puts strain on financial income for 2019

NORD/LB Norddeutsche Landesbank finished the financial year 2019 with a loss before taxes of EUR 30 million. Consolidated profit after taxes was minus EUR 69 million. As already announced, high restructuring expenses were generated for the realignment of the bank in 2019, which put a significant strain on financial income. At EUR 429 million, earnings before restructuring, reorganisation and taxes were at a very respectable level.

01/21/2020 NORD/LB CBB successfully issues green covered bond on the capital market for the first time

On Monday NORD/LB Luxembourg Covered Bond Bank (CBB) successfully placed the world's first green covered bond under Luxembourg law. The Lettre de Gage Renewable Energy represents a new Covered Bond category in which only renewable energy projects are included in the cover pool.

01/10/2020 Moody's upgrades ratings for NORD/LB by two notches

The rating agency Moody's has increased its long-term ratings for NORD/LB Norddeutsche Landesbank by two notches from Baa2 to A3. This means that all of NORD/LB's key ratings including the deposit rating are at Investment Grade again. The outlook was set as stable.